
Extraordinary Methods of Painting for Ages 11-16

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville

Summer Art Classes taught by Wentzville Art teacher Brian Kingery for ages 11-16. Students will get to experiment with many methods of painting that will be enjoyable and exciting. They will also learn how to build their own canvas.$30 per session June 5th - June 27th.

June 5th & 7th: 9:30-12 pm or 1-3:30pm

June 17th-21st: 9:30-12 pm or 1-3:30pm

June 24-27th: 9:30-12 pm or 1-3:30pm Register:

Crossroads Arts Council, 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO 63395 (lower level)


Dot Mandalas 101

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville

Dot Mandalas 101, Saturday June 8th, 2024, 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm, Instructor: Meegan Kainady, $55, Limited to 6,  Text or call 636-293-2495 to register, $25 deposit required to reserve your spot.
You are invited to explore the world of dot mandalas. This class will go over basic skills and techniques that can be used to create an endless number of designs.
We will briefly discuss the meaning and history of mandalas; as well as using the creation process as a mindfulness practice.
Tools, prepared canvas board and paint will be provided. In addition, new tool kits will be available  for purchase.  Crossroads Arts Council, 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO (lower level).
