“We Love to Smile” Whimsical and Humorous Art Show

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

West & East Galleries, Thursdays-Sundays 11:00am-3:00pm. RECEPTION AND AWARDS: Sunday, March 2,  2:00-4:00pm Please help us publicize this show! Just click here to download the social media flyer for this show […]

Troy Buchanan Student Art Show

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

This student art show is in the Studio Gallery and features student artwork based off of the unsung heroes from The ArtEffect Competition hosted by the Lowell Milken Center.

Trash Can Decorating Contest

WREC Center 2008 Great Oaks Blvd, Wentzville, United States

Design and Color your 8.5" x 11" paper at the WREC Wednesday March 5th 4-6pm, WREC, 500 Great Oaks Blvd., Wentzville, MO. Wentzville residents only K-12th grade.

Fiber Fanatics Art Group

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

Fiber art group. Enjoy sharing fiber designs, techniques and lots of lively conversations. RSVP (not required) lauriesirtak@gmail.com or 314-614-5211. 

Abstract Art “5 Minute Art”

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

A fast and fun art class for ages. No experience necessary. Sat. March 8th or Sat. March 29th 1-3 pm, $15 includes all materials. Contact Nancy Calvert, jenacalvert1013@yahoo.com or call 314-808-8164


“Galloping Horses” Art and Music Presentation

Wentzville United Methodist Church 725 Wall St, Wentzville, MO, United States

Join us for this collaborative artist presentation. Xu Fang Fang, concert pianist and author, grew up in China under Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution. Her father was the most famous artist […]

Rough Writers

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

This writers’ group called “The Rough Writers” is not a group of professionals; some of the writing might be fairly rough! It’s OK not to be OK. We share our writing, encourage and help each other, and improve our skills.
2nd Tues. each month. 7pm.  Contact Deborah Bowman at dbowman@asge.org

“Color and Embossing Metal” art class

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

Learn how to work and create your own jewelry with copper.  March 15, 10am - 1pm. Contact Susan 636-484-3146 or oohlookitsarabbit@gmail.com. $40


Spring Wool & Felted Bowl

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

This wool bowl project will use simple beading techniques and teach how to make small decorative 3-D felted wool eggs. A wire handle and bow will complete this bowl. March 22nd, 1-3pm.  $30 includes all supplies, Limt 6 students. Contact: Laurie Sirtak: lauriesirtak@gmail.com or 314-614-5211. Crossroads Arts Council, 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville (lower level)


Trash Can Decorating Contest

WREC Center 2008 Great Oaks Blvd, Wentzville, United States

Design and Color your 8.5" x 11" paper at the WREC Wednesday March 22th, 2-4pm, WREC, 500 Great Oaks Blvd., Wentzville, MO. Wentzville residents only K-12th grade.

Pick Up March Artwork

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

Pick Up March Artwork

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

Drop Off April Artwork

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

Drop Off April Artwork

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

“Architectural Elements” Art Show – April 2025

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

Main & East Galleries, Thursdays-Sundays 11:00am-3:00pm. RECEPTION AND AWARDS: Sunday, April 6, 2:00-4:00pm Please help us publicize this show! Just click here to download the social media flyer for this show […]

AYUSA Foreign Exchange Students: Art, Food, Culture

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

Students from Japan, South Korea, Germany, Belgium, France, Kosovo, Italy, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, and Albania will share food and culture at their reception Sunday, April 6th, 2025  2-4pm.

Special Art for Special Artists – Easter Decoration

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

An Easter art class for special needs adults. March 29th 10-noon, $10 includes all supplies. Wear paint shirt or old clothes. Contact: Rhonda Schrum: rhondaschrum@yahoo.com or call 636-357-1605, Crossroads Arts Council, 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO (lower level)


Abstract Art “5 Minute Art”

Crossroads Arts Center 310 W. Pearce Blvd., Wentzville, MO, United States

A fast and fun art class for ages. No experience necessary. Sat. March 8th or Sat. March 29th 1-3 pm, $15 includes all materials. Contact Nancy Calvert, jenacalvert1013@yahoo.com or call 314-808-8164
