Mission Statement:

“Our mission is to cultivate, nurture, and grow the arts in our community by supporting local artists.”

How We Became an Arts Council: As we approach 2025, the tenth anniversary of the Crossroads Arts Council (CAC) provides a meaningful opportunity to reflect on how even the smallest creative ideas have rippled outward, shaping both our organization and the lives of those we impact. In 2014, a casual coffee meetup among friends sparked a simple idea that gradually took shape. Over time, this idea crystallized into a vision: the creation of a collaborative effort involving motivated citizens, artists, and local government. – Diane Ransom, founding member of CAC.

Please click here to read Diane’s full story of Crossroads Arts Council “Standing on the Cusp”.

Community Involvement – During our first 7 years as an arts council, we did not have a gallery space. This situation entrenched us into our community as we collaborated on events. We now have a strong history of community involvement. Some of our events still continue and others had served its purpose as our community grew. Please view our current and past events:

Click here to download a pdf of our community involvement: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/Crossroads-Arts-Council-Community-Involvement-1-9.pdf

Spanning the Generations Art Show: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/spanning-the-generations-art-show/

Splash Station: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/splashstation/

Painting With the Stars: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/painting-with-the-stars-2/

CTC Community Theater: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/connection-theatre-company-of-wentzville/

Community Murals: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/community-murals/

Art Scholarship: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/art-scholarship/

Trash Can Decorating Contest: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/trash-can-coloring-contest/

Wentzville’s 150th Anniversary Train Project: https://northonpoint.org/2626/features/crossroads-of-the-nation-turns-150/

Board Members: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/meet-the-cac-board/

Get Involved: https://www.crossroadsartscouncil.org/join-us/

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