We Need Your Input

How many years have you been a CAC member?
On average, how many times a year do you enter pieces for the monthly gallery shows?
Holiday Bout
Have you supplied pieces for sale at the Holiday Boutique in December?
Have you taken a CAC class in the past 12 months?
Have you taught a CAC class in the past 12 months?
Would you be interested in teaching a class in 2024?
Have you volunteered on a committee or at an event in the past 12 months ?
What topics / themes would you like to see presented as the Theme for a monthly gallery show
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What changes to the monthly gallery shows would increase your interest in participating?
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Are there specific educational / community art outreach programs that you would like to help develop?
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Social Media
Do you regularly follow us on any of the following – check all that apply:
If you have a professional website / Facebook /Instagram presence, do you currently include any mention or link to CAC on your pages?
Would you consider this?
Any other suggestions or comments on how we can continue to help support your artistic endeavors and engagement with Crossroads Arts Council?
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